Arabic Courses in London – How To Choose?

Published by Khaled Nassra on

Learn arabic online
1. To help you figure out the right Arabic course ask yourself these 5 questions:
Why do you want to learn Arabic?
What is the outcome you want to get from Learning Arabic?
What is your level of commitment to learning the language?
How much time can you allocate to studying Arabic per week?
Can you study in a group environment or do you prefer One to one Arabic tuition?

Once you answer these questions above, you start to have more clarity on which course you should choose, and the time that suits you the best, whether you have enough commitment to study Arabic as some courses can go up to 3 or 6 months.

2. Choose the Right Arabic Course

Choosing the right Arabic course is crucial when it comes to learning Arabic. There are numerous courses available in London, but not all of them are equally effective. Look for courses that are designed specifically for non-native speakers and offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of the Arabic language, including reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Choose courses that are interactive and offer plenty of opportunities for practice and feedback.

3. The next stage is to find out what Arabic you would like to learn.

it is vital to take note that the Arabic language comprises two primary parts: Classical Arabic and Colloquial Arabic.

Classical Arabic can be isolated into 4 segments:

  1. Present-day Standard Arabic (MAS)
  2. Media Arabic (BBC News)
  3. Academic Arabic (Novels and Poems)
  4. Qur’anic studies

Spoken Arabic has 3 primary lingos that are usually spoken in the Middle East.
. Arabic Levantine (Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon)
. Egyptian Arabic
. Gulf Arabic (Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and Emirates states)

Assuming you are keen on figuring out how to talk in Arabic, then signing up for a spoken course such as Levantine Arabic Evening Courses at SOAS is your best beginning. Also, if you want to figure out how to understand the newspapers, you ought to think about the Media Arabic program.
The main thing is to comprehend what you might want to accomplish in six months of learning Arabic and how you will utilize it, then you can pick the most ideal choice that suits your learning reason.

Let’s assume you find the perfect Arabic course in London, and you decided to take Spoken Arabic or Classical Arabic ( Fusha). It is important for you to follow these 5 tips to make sure that your Arabic course is a success:

1. Choose The Right Teacher

You want someone who knows how to explain things clearly so that you’re able to understand everything. The teacher should also be patient and kind, because if they aren’t, then they won’t be able to help you when you get stuck.

2. Master The Arabic Alphabet & Learn How to read

Whether you decide to enroll in a Modern Standard Arabic or Spoken Arabic course, knowledge of the Arabic alphabet and reading ability are a must. Many non-native Arabic students learn Arabic without the effort of reading. This will result in incorrect pronunciation when speaking Arabic and will make it difficult for them to remember the words and speak Arabic fluently.

3. Practice With a Native Arabic Speaker

Try to spend some time with native speakers outside of class. This will help improve your pronunciation and help increase your confidence in speaking Arabic!

4. Listen to Arabic Podcast

The importance of listening is vital in learning the Arabic language. There are a lot of Arabic podcasts that are available for free online, where you can listen while you are walking or going to work. Make sure you consistently expose yourself to the language, listening is a great way to achieve that. The more you expose your brain to the language, the more the language becomes easier for you to grasp.

5. Make The Arabic Langauge part of your daily life

Learning Arabic can be a challenging journey, but it’s important to stay committed throughout the process. Many students start off strong, dedicating time each day to study and review what they’ve learned in their Arabic courses. However, as life gets busy, they start to skip some days and eventually cancel their Arabic lessons. This might cause them to take a break from learning for a while until they have more free time in their schedule.

Based on my experience in teaching the Arabic language for the last 20 years, the most effective approach to getting better at Arabic is to integrate it into your everyday routine. You can start by setting aside 15-20 minutes every day at a specific time, maybe in the morning or before bed, and sticking to that schedule. By establishing this habit, you’ll be on the right track to improving your Arabic skills!

6. Stay Motivated and Never Give Up

Through my experience teaching Arabic to hundreds of students over the last 15 years. I have seen hundreds of Arabic learners who start learning Arabic with a ton of inspiration, however, following 3 months of learning, they give up! Try not to be the individual who begins something and never completes it. It is even more frustrating when you realize that you have wasted time and money on something you really wanted to learn in the beginning, but couldn’t continue due to language difficulties or your life got busy and there was no chance to learn Arabic. There is always time! it is not an excuse! You simply have to continue and distribute 20 minutes every day to concentrate on Arabic regardless of what your conditions are.

I am currently teaching Arabic classes in London One on one or via Skype and Zoom. Check Our Nassra Arabic Platform here for Learning Levantine Arabic Online.
