Double Your Arabic Learning With These 3 Simple Tips

Published by Khaled Nassra on

Best way to learn Arabic Online for free


Imitation is a very powerful tool that can help you to boost your Arabic learning. it is what the child use in order to speak his mother tongue. the child can’t read and write, so his primary way to learn is imitating the sounds around him. he will mimic his mum’s words and how she says the words precisely he will rely on the melody of the words, not the meaning, not the grammar. and this is how the child ends up having his family’s accent.

Imitation is a key element to perfect your pronunciation. when I say imitation, I mean you must pay attention to how the word in is said rather than what it is. You pay attention to the melody and try to act it out loud, it might sound strange at the beginning but you will get over it eventually.

In conclusion, imitation is what will help to have a better accent that sounds like a native Arabic speaker


we barely use our imagination when learning a language. however, this toot can be very impactful on your Arabic learning. Here is how to use it effectively:
create an Arabic charter of your – an Arabic avatar so to speak. Be the Jordanian boudin who lives in Parta and be this charter. you can add your imagination to it. create an Arabic name for you. so when your conversation with a native Arabic speaker, imagine you are that Arabic avatar and you will be surprised how confident you will feel when speaking Arabic.


This is a great tool to help you memorize Arabic words permanently. we usually remember the events that have an emotional influence.
Emotion plays an important role to remember words.

Here is how to use this tool:
when you use an Arabic phrase, add an emotion eight to it.
be emotional, if you noticed how Arabs speak, they are very expressive and emotional. try to do the same when you speak Arabic by simply being more expressive and speaking more loudly.
