The Only Skill That Will Allow You To Speak Arabic Fast

Published by Khaled Nassra on

Now, which of these skills will allow you to communicate in Arabic Fast?





During my teaching Arabic throughout the previous 15 years, I have been attempting to sort out what is the Fastest method for learning Arabic and what stunts and techniques will assist you with communicating in Arabic rapidly and fluidly.

I took a gander at these 4 skills:

Writing, Grammar, listening and Reading.

Grammar & Writing In Arabic

Writing is fine if you want to memorize words individually but writing long texts in Arabic in the hope that you will speak Arabic quickly is not the most ideal methodology.

With grammar, in my experience with all students who decide to focus on learning every rule of Arabic grammar, I found that most of them can perfectly explain why this sentence is structured the way it is and analyse it perfectly, but they cannot buy coffee in a restaurant.

Pay attention to this:

I understand that the first skill you look for when learning a language is going to be your primary focus when navigating the language you are learning, so you need to be careful in choosing which skill to learn.

Grammar is significant yet not before all else and should be utilized where progress in the language is required.

Listening in Arabic

Concerning Listening, listening is one of the main abilities that will allow becoming familiar with the structure of the Arabic language,

Listening assists you with getting to know another dialect, yet assuming you are totally new, listening will be extremely horrendous, as you will hear the language as one long sound and can’t separate words independently. Then again, Listening is extremely compelling in the event that your level is B1 or more.


Presently, beginning to Read Reading is an underrated ability as I would like to think, however it is the main expertise to communicate in Arabic rapidly

I did a progression of tests with my understudies to see which of the abilities recorded above would assist you with rapidly dominating it, and amazingly, it ended up being the one to focus on, and here’s the reason:

Reading in a foreign dialect assists us with getting comfortable with the words and syntax that permit us to offer our viewpoints similarly to perusing our native language. Seeing text outwardly for new words and ideas builds up our memory of them, and the capacity to stop, think, or look into words in a word reference gives a more customized speed of mental inundation.

At the point when you read, you are seeing the word and how it is written, which gives your mind a picture and a reference to remember it without any problem.
  1. Reading likewise allows you to see how to use the right word with the right context.
  2. Also, on the grounds that the Arabic language has numerous comparable words, Reading can tackle this issue.
  3. last, Reading helps to have great elocution.
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