Learn Levantine Arabic Vocabulary & Phrases

Published by Khaled Nassra on

Learn Levantine Arabic phrases

In this Levantine Arabic podcast, you will listen to the 3 top hobbies I love to do in my free time and of course; You will also learn the most common Arabic phrases and vocabulary within the context, so you don’t need to memorise them individually. I want to know about you too, be sure to write your interests in the Arabic language in the comment below or on the community page on my YouTube channel, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Follow my new Arabic method to get the most out of this Arabic audio lesson.

1. Listen

. Listen to the audio first and see how well you understand it.

2. Learn

. Learn new Arabic vocabulary in the audio lesson, the words are recorded and written in Arabic below.

. Read aloud, be an active student, not a passive one.

3. Engage

. Write the answers to my questions.

. Create your own Arabic sentences using the new word you have already learned.

4. Repeat

Listen to the audio and repeat the whole process.

Arabic Levantine Vocabulary: 

What is your Hobby? (m)  (f) (p) شو هِوايتَك؟ شو هِوايتِك؟ شو هِوايتْكُن؟
Mood  مَزاج
Either… or… ….إما…أو
 Are you still sleeping? (m) (f)اِنته نايم؟/ اِنتي نايمةِ 
 Which one of them? اي واحد مِنُّن 
 Several, many مُتَعدّدة 
 I choose  بِختار
 Main hobbies هواياتي الرئيسة
 Art فَن، رَسم
 Pencil قلم رصاص
 Water Colors  ألوان مائية
 Oil painting ألوان زيتية
I pay attention  بِنتبه
I get benefit from  بِستفاد
Two birds in one Stone  عَصفورين بِحجر واحِد
 Natura  طَبيعة
 Beautiful memories زِكريات حلوة
 When I get old لما بِكبر
 What is interesting is that… الشي المُمْتِع إنُّ
 I spend بقضّي 
 Nice feeling شعور حلر
 The way of pronunciation طَريقة اللفظ
 Russian literature الأدب الروسي
 I am stillما زلت، لسَّاتني 
Levantine Arabic Vocabulary

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