Levantine Arabic Vocabulary | Part 3 of Story ” The Black Bag”

Published by Khaled Nassra on

Learn Levantine Arabic vocabulary

You will also learn new Arabic vocabulary using the power of storytelling. I narrated the story at two speeds: medium speed and fast. If you haven’t watched the first part 1 and 2, check them out, I left the links here so you can watch them.

Follow along with my New Teaching Method I’m currently developing [Listen, Learn, Engage, Repeat]

Please Note that is Arabic Levantine Podcast is suitable for Pre-intermediate Level (B1- B2)

1. Listen

First, Listen to the story and see how much you understand.

2. Learn

New Levantine Arabic Vocabulary

You knew thatعْرِفتوا إنُّ
I sold it in my life بِعْتو بحياتي
I was able to collect/getقِدِرِت حصِّل على
to collect / to getحَصِّل
It is divided toمُقَسَم لـ
At a fast speedبِسُرعَة مُتَوسطة
After I discoveredبعد ما اِكْتَشَفِت
I can getفيني اِحصَل على
I getاِحْصَل
Unusual ideaفِكْرة جَهَنَمِيّة
Amazing ideaفِكْرة بِتْطّير العَقِل
If the idea workedاِذازَبْطِت الفِكرة
I will realise my dreamحِلْمِي رح بِتْحَقَق
A white paperورَقة بيضة
I took outطَلّعت من
The front of the main windowواجهة الشِباك
I started to drinkاعَدِت اِشْرب
I brought you these books جِبْتلَك هَدول الكِتِب
spread between studentsتِنتِشر بِين الطّلاب
most of it …some of it…مُعْظَمها…و بَعضها
I establishedاَسّسِت
Strong relationshipعلاقات كتير قوي

3. Engage

Answer the following Questions:

  1. What was in the black bag?
  2. What did I sell from the black bag?
  3. what idea occurred to me when I sold my first book?

4. Repeat

Listen to the story now at a fast speed.

Book Your Free Consultation With Me Here: to see if my method works for you.
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