The Challenge of Learning Arabic Online in 2024

Published by Khaled Nassra on

Content Made for Algorithms: More Views, Less Learning

Social media platforms rely on algorithms to prioritize content, favouring videos with high views, likes, and comments. Consequently, content creators often prioritize catering to these algorithms over providing real value to language learners.

Many Unqualified Teachers with a master’s degree in algorithms 

This is a serious problem: many video creators are not qualified teachers. Social media allows anyone to make and share videos, but a lot of these creators lack the necessary training to effectively teach Arabic. They may be skilled in using algorithms, but they simply don’t have the expertise to provide well-structured and informative lessons.

Real teachers understand how to effectively help students learn a new language. They are skilled at creating good lesson plans, providing helpful feedback, and adapting their teaching style to accommodate different students. However, on platforms like TikTok, it can be challenging to distinguish between real teachers and popular content creators.

Lessons Are Not Connected

Social media language lessons can feel disconnected and random. Unlike a well structured course or online progam, the content can vary greatly from one day to the next, making it difficult to learn in a clear and organized way. For instance, one day you might come across a video about Arabic greetings, and the next day a video about complex Arabic idioms. 

Learning Arabic can be confusing, especially when encountering different dialects or outdated language forms that are not commonly used. Therefore, starting to learn a language as a beginner Arabic learner through social media is not the best approach.

Distractions and Multitasking

Social media is designed to keep you interested and busy.. These distractions can make it hard to focus and keep a regular study schedule. Doing many things at once, like watching a lesson and checking notifications, can make it harder to remember and understand what you learn.

Wrong Information and Cultural Respect

Arabic is a language with many dialects and cultural meanings. Misunderstanding or simplifying these can cause confusion and spread wrong ideas. Social media has a lot of wrong information, and without checking facts, learners can easily learn things that are not true or disrespectful.


To overcome these problems, learners should use social media as an extra tool, not the main way to learn. They should also find real teachers and be careful about what they learn. By doing this, people who want to learn Arabic can use the internet in a better way and reach their language goals.
