Arabic Blog

How to Learn Arabic Language Fast & Within Six Months

How to Learn Arabic Language Fast & Within Six Months

Learning a new language is always a great adventure, but it can also be quite challenging, especially when it comes to languages that are completely different from our native tongue. One of the most challenging languages to learn is Arabic. However, with the right approach and dedication, learning The Arabic language online can be fast and efficient. In this article, I will provide you with my best tips on how to learn Arabic online quickly and effectively,

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Arabic Lessons in London -How To Choose The Best.

London is a multi-cultures city with all type of nationalities, which make it a great place to learn a new language, literally you can learn any language you want, and you can practice it at the same time. Such as French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, German and Arabic language. You don’t need to travel to a new country to learn the language you want. It is all can be done here in London. There are hundreds of courses in every language you can imagine in addition to places you can go where you can practice the language you are learning.

Spoken Arabic vs Classical Arabic

If you have an interest in learning the Arabic language, it is important to educate yourself first and learn the difference between Spoken Arabic and other variations of Arabic. It’s paramount that you don’t end up learning something that is seldom used in the Middle East. This will discourage your learning and can cause you to give up the language, assuming that Arabic is impossible to learn.

The Classic Scenario for Learning Arabic

When a student wants to study Arabic, the classic scenario is that they google ” Arabic courses” and then sign up for a course unaware of the fact that they are going to study a language that is not practically used in the Middle East. They think that studying the Arabic language is the same as studying French, Spanish or Russian, it is not Habibi. That is why it is import for you to educate yourself about the different varieties of the Arabic language that exist.

Let’s get started

We have following variations of the Arabic language
Classical Arabic, MSA, Media Arabic and Colloquial spoken Arabic.

Classical Arabic is only used in a written form, you see it in books, poetry and Quranic Studies.
MSA ( Modern Standard Arabic ) Mostly used in a written form e.g. in short stories, novels, magazines, newspapers and in formal situations. Let’s say you are a politician and you want to give a speech, then you do it in formal Arabic ( MSA)

Media Arabic is anything related to Newspapers, Policies, business and commercial events.
Mostly is used in a written form but it can be used in speaking when you want to talk about topics regards Politics, business, and social issues then you borrow the specialised vocabulary related the specific topic you want to talk about and you integrate into your conversation.

Colloquial spoken Arabic.

Colloquial spoken Arabic is the language we use to communicate with each other on a daily bases – we don’t use classical Arabic or MSA we to buy something from the grocery store. An analogy is trying to buy your groceries in Shakespearean English. While they are likely to understand you they will also find it incredibly funny and strange.
For conversations in the Middle East we only use Colloquial spoken Arabic to talk to our friends, to socialise with others and manage the day to a daily life situation.

Levantine Arabic- The Best Way to Learn Levantine Arabic

As per Khaled the way you learn a Levantine Arabic language depends on the personality you possess.

In order to make the audience understand his approach, he gives examples of two types of people. The first type is those “introverts” who rely more on studying and exploring a Colloquial Levantine Arabic through textbooks and sources.  However, these students may have the right teachers and essential material required, but they would still not manage to learn the language faster. 

The second type is those “extroverts” who are more comfortable with and find it easier to learn a Colloquial Levantine Arabic by being more interactive and learning through communication and interaction.  

Difference between Introverts and Extroverts

Introverts are those people who are most concerned about their own thoughts and feelings and when it comes to learning a language, they develop the same approach. These individuals are consistent students and can easily retain information through reading and understanding grammar rules. They are also efficient and determined however; the backdrop is that they spend too much time overthinking and are always worried about making mistakes. Due to this reason, they cannot speak or interact in the language until and unless they have mastered it. Thus, they would learn the Levantine Arabic but would struggle in being good speakers

Extroverts, on the other hand, are influenced by their environment. They are more zealous and social thus making interaction with others is not an issue. Their learning style is based on talking and speaking with others and they look for different concrete experiences to learn the language instead of relying more on books and materials. Therefore, they would interact with natives of that language in restaurants, get-togethers, and in social gatherings. But what they lack is consistency when it comes to learning and practising Arabic. This is because they search for opportunities that take place infrequently rather than on a routine basis. 

Key to Success lies in being an Extro-Introvert!

Therefore, the best learners of any language are those people who amalgamate these two qualities and can easily fall into both of these categories. Khaled presents the five qualities that Extra-introvert learners have in common:

  • ⎫Consistency
  • ⎫Efficiency
  • ⎫Taking initiative
  • ⎫Avoiding perfection
  • ⎫Being social